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Design for Six Sigma: Methodology, Tools, and More

Design for six sigma methodology tools

Design for Six Sigma (DFSS) involves building quality into the design stage. Unlike traditional Six Sigma, which focuses on improving existing processes, it aims to create new processes and products that meet the highest standards from the start. This means fewer defects, less variability, and more satisfied customers.

In this guide, we’ll break down DFSS, how it works, and the essential tools you can use to implement it. Whether you’re new to the concept or looking to refresh your basics, you’ll find everything you should know about this powerful approach to quality and innovation.

For those interested in a deeper dive, we recommend a Six Sigma bootcamp – we’ll talk about this and how you can get started at the end of this guide. So stay tuned!

What is Design For Six Sigma?

Design for Six Sigma is a practice used to optimize the new product development process or product redesign. It integrates the best Design Thinking and Six Sigma principles to achieve high quality and innovation. DFSS takes a proactive approach toward assessing customer requirements and implementing them to design an error-free product.

Also Read: Understanding and Creating a Control Plan in Six Sigma

Why Implement DFSS?

The usual product design and development process focuses on the design only while framing the Design Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (DFMEA). It does not evaluate the design from the perspective of minimizing errors and reducing costs. DFSS reveals the effect of the design on further operations. It emphasizes how well the product will work and how efficiently it will be received in the market.

Here are some benefits that you can reap by implementing it.

  • Low defects and variation: It identifies potential areas for defects and helps reduce the variation in product quality.
  • Optimized and efficient processes: Using the DFSS methodology, you can iron out the kinks in the process steps responsible for low product quality and optimize the processes.
  • Customer satisfaction: It focuses primarily on integrating customer feedback and helping design a product or process that improves customer satisfaction.
  • Reduced costs: It identifies areas that increase costs due to improper maintenance, poor quality, inefficient inspection, or unorganized logistics.
  • Teamwork and continuous improvement: DFSS requires cross-functional teamwork and promotes continuous improvement as a way of working among all the employees.

DFSS Types

The applicability of DFSS changes with every sector and every company. Hence, there is no one-size-fits-all. You must assess your requirements and choose from three major types:


DMADV stands for Define, Measure, Analyze, Design, and Verify. Here, the product is first designed according to the available specifications. Then, the necessary parameters are measured and analyzed. Based on the analysis results, you may choose to redesign certain areas and verify the modifications’ efficacy.


It’s an acronym for Define, Customer, Concept, Design, and Implementation. This methodology focuses on understanding and defining the project’s goals. Further, the target customer base is analyzed to establish their requirements. Then, you develop the first product concepts and choose the best one after a thorough review. Next, the product is designed, inspected, verified, and validated. Finally, production is scaled to full capacity in the implementation phase.

#3. IDOV

IDOV stands for Identify, Design, Optimize, and Validate. When selecting this methodology, establish the target customer and gather data regarding their requirements and pain points. The critical-to-quality (CTQ) characteristics obtained are used to develop multiple process options. In the optimization stage, the most suitable one is subjected to multiple data-driven techniques such as modeling, statistics, controlled testing, and simulations. Finally, in the Validate step, you run the designed process and validate that it meets the CTQs.

A general observation in the industry is that all these three types achieve similar results. So, which one is the most common?

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Phases of the DFSS

Among the three methodologies described earlier, DMADV is the standard method for achieving DFSS. Here are the chief phases that you will encounter while implementing DMADV.

Phase 1: DEFINE

You begin by defining the project’s scope and objectives. Establishing the customer requirements is a crucial component here. You then form a cross-functional team based on the required expertise. You must be careful during this phase, as it sets the tone for the project, and a missed opportunity or a flawed objective can derail it.

Phase 2: MEASURE

Any new system works better when we know why it should be produced. The answer to this ‘why’ is obtained by measuring the critical parameters of the existing design. The existing product or process is rigorously scrutinized, and sufficient data is generated for in-depth analysis. You identify CTQ characteristics and evaluate the process for possible sources of defects. Thus, you can establish a baseline for further development.


The data is carefully analyzed using multiple tools, such as hypothesis testing, DFMEA, and root cause analysis. Statistical techniques detect performance gaps, potential risks, and design issues.


Now, you begin to design the new product or process by incorporating the CTQs and the customer requirements. However, you cannot design solely based on these factors. Constraints such as feasibility, cost, manufacturing, and time-to-market dictate which design would be the most suitable. Quality Function Deployment (QFD) and Design of Experiments (DOE) are tools you can use during this stage.

Phase 5: VERIFY

The Verify phase entails an in-depth testing of the designed product. You conduct tests and inspection procedures to verify and validate that it satisfies the customer’s requirements and operates as intended. Prototypes, pilot studies, and simulations are ways to assess the functionality and performance of the design.

How to Implement DFSS?

DFSS implementation entails integrating specific chief methodologies in the process. Let us look at the main steps for implementing it:

  1. Organize a cross-functional team with personnel from the departments involved in the complete process or product.
  2. Define the goals of the project.
  3. Collect information about the customer needs and requirements using the Voice of Customer (VOC) methodology.
  4. Determine the parameters vital for satisfying the customer requirements. This is typically done by establishing the CTQs.
  5. If the DFSS is to be applied for a redesign, measure the existing product or process and analyze its performance to determine the baseline to be improved upon.
  6. Detect potential risks using root cause analysis and Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA).
  7. Implement the Design of Experiments (DOE) methodology to develop and execute prototypes and trial runs.
  8. Lastly, ensure the design or process is rigorously evaluated and validated per required standards and specifications.

On the face of it, it may seem that DFSS can be applied to every problem—big and small. However, unnecessary or insufficient implementation can result in time, effort, and money loss. So, when should you use it? Let’s take a look.

Also Read: Demystifying the Six Sigma Career Path

When to Use Design for Six Sigma?

DFSS methodology is a fantastic practice when implemented correctly at the right time. Here are some opportunities for you to use it.

  1. Designing a new product or process
  2. Redesigning an existing product or process
  3. Integrating a significant modification in the system
  4. Incorporating customer feedback or cost-intensive quality issues in the product or design

Remember, DFSS is not suitable for incremental changes. It requires a project that is large enough to warrant dedication of sufficient time and resources for an output that affects the company’s bottom line favorably.

DFSS vs. DMAIC vs. DMADV: At a Glance

DMAIC is the most commonly used methodology when it comes to Six Sigma. However, DFSS utilizes the DMADV method, among others. So, how do you differentiate between them? Here’s a brief table to help you.

Full formDesign For Six SigmaDefine, Measure, Analyze, Identify, ControlDefine, Measure, Analyze, Design, Verify
Focuses onDefining customer requirements and designing a defect-free product or processEvaluating the existing process, detecting the areas of error, and removing them.Establishing customer requirements, designing a suitable product or process, and verifying its operation.
Mode of implementationThe principles of DFSS can be implemented using methodologies, including DMADV, DCCDI, and IDOV.DMAIC is a standalone technique and is usually the first choice when a Six Sigma project is chosen for an existing process.DMADV is also a Six Sigma methodology, but it is preferred for new products or processes.
Form of change effectedDFSS is used to modify the design.DMAIC is suitable for incremental changes.DMADV is used to make a significant change in the process or product.
Use of dataDepending on the chosen methodology, DFSS uses data only to support a full-fledged analysis.DMAIC is an entirely data-based method where data is analyzed to identify sources of errors.DMADV uses data to provide credence to the design and its verification.

Design for Six Sigma Tools

DFSS achieves its objectives when you select and use the correct tools. Here’s a list of DFSS tools to execute the methodology.

  1. Design of experiments (DOE): DOE entails determining the parameters critical to the process and designing experiments that test the product effectively for those parameters.
  2. Quality Function Deployment (QFD): QFD involves incorporating the customer requirements in the design by including specific characteristics and features.
  3. Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA): FMEA is a proactive approach to evaluating the design (DFMEA) or the process (PFMEA) for potential risks and planning for risk mitigation.
  4. Statistical Process Control (SPC): A vital part of Six Sigma, SPC uses statistical techniques to track, identify, and control process variations.
  5. Critical-to-Quality (CTQ) analysis: CTQ analysis examines the requirements and identifies the parameters responsible for ensuring the overall quality of the product.
  6. Computer simulation: Computer simulation and modeling help view, test, and optimize the design before manufacturing the product.

Also Read: What is the PDCA Cycle? Definition, Examples, and Benefits

Learn Design for Six Sigma and Other Essential Skills

Expertise in Six Sigma is highly sought after in today’s competitive market. However, knowledge of DFSS is emerging as a popular skill as businesses rush to reduce the costs involved in returning defective products and modifying their processes.

This Six Sigma program has been curated with this exact objective in mind. Aligned with the IASCC guidelines, the course includes Lean Management, Lean Six Sigma Green Belt, and Lean Six Sigma Black Belt. You also get hands-on experience with tools such as Minitab and Jira.

Enroll today to work on crucial Capstone projects and embark on a successful journey in Six Sigma.


#1. What are the requirements for Design for Six Sigma?

Design for Six Sigma requires the project to redesign an existing product or a new process. It collects and incorporates customer feedback and special characteristics requirements.

#2. What is the difference between DFSS and DMAIC?

DFSS and DMAIC aim to achieve a defect number of 3.4 per million parts produced. However, DMAIC can be applied for radical and incremental changes, while DFSS focuses more on applying Six Sgima to the design process before production begins.

#3. What are key D tools?

The essential tools include the Design of Experiments (DOE), Statistical Process Control (SPC), Critical-to-Quality (CTQ) analysis, and Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA).

#4. What are the steps of DFSS?

The chief steps of DFSS when using the DMADV methodology are Define, Measure, Analyze, Design, and Verify.

#5. What is the goal of DFSS?

It aims to identify and eliminate potential errors in the design stage, reducing the chances of issues once the product or process is fully incorporated.

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